Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The application of constructive geometric modeling to pedagogical models of teaching graphic disciplines today is a promising direction for using computer technology in the educational process of educational institutions. The essence of the method of constructive geometric modeling is to represent any operation performed on geometric objects in the form of a transformation, as a result of which some constructive connection is established, and the transformation itself can be considered as a result of the action of an abstract cybernetic device. Constructive geometric modeling is a popular information tool for information processing in various applied areas, however, this tool cannot be appreciated without the presence of appropriate software systems and developed design techniques. Traditionally, constructive geometric modeling is used in the design of mechanical engineering, energy, aircraft and shipbuilding facilities, in architectural and design engineering. The need to study descriptive geometry at the university in recent years has something in common with the issues of mastering graphic packages of computer programs in the framework of the new discipline "Engineering and Computer Graphics". The well-known KOMPAS software product is considered the simplest and most attractive for training. It should be noted the important role of graphic packages in the teaching of geometric disciplines that require a figurative perception of the material by students. Against the background of a reduction in classroom hours, computer graphics packages are practically the only productive teaching methodology, successfully replacing traditional tools - chalk and blackboard.

computer graphics, constructive geometric modeling, pedagogical model, graphic disciplines, software product
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