Russian Federation
BISAC MAT012000 Geometry / General
The article gives a definition of the organic form as an infinite-similar and self-similar structure, which is based on the increased unity of the whole and the part - holomereological symmetry. A model of plant forms as organic forms is proposed, which are based on spherocylinders – infinite-similar cylindrical volumes joined with hemispheres at their ends. The data on the golden wurf in the metric of plant stems are presented. The cirrus leaf model in MathCad is briefly described. The problem of the organic form, the form of living organisms, is a long-discussed topic in biology, in particular, in morphology. There is a lot of empirical material relating to the description of a huge variety of biological forms. However, until now, the laws of the organic form and its specificity, in comparison with the forms of inorganic bodies, continue to raise more questions than answers. It is clear that organic forms are special, they have their own laws and types of morphogenesis. But what is the essence of these features, what is the logic of their organization, all this is still largely unclear.
R-analysis, R-geometry, organic form, infinite-similarity, self-similarity, holomerological symmetry, spherocylinder, golden wurf
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