Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the issue of different approaches to assessing the transfer of geometric models of assembly units between different professional software environments of different vendors. A model for calculating the metric of the volume of data loss and the calculation of the relative volume of manual recovery of geometric models after their translation are considered. For evaluation, a hierarchical structure of the parameters of geometric models is used, as well as a graph of parameters, based on which structural weighting coefficients are calculated. Algorithms of the considered approaches are described, their differences are considered. The assembly unit of a machine-building unit was constructed in the Autodesk Inventor Professional software product. Based on the parameters of the obtained geometric model, the corresponding parameter graphs were constructed and calculations were made for each proposed approach to data translation. The model was exported and the resulting files were analyzed. Weights were calculated that reflect expert preferences and structural features and are determined in accordance with the theory of rational choice. The assembly model was translated into the KOMPAS-3D geometric modeling environment. Based on the data obtained in different formats, an analysis was made and parameter distortion coefficients were obtained and the relative amount of parameter data losses was estimated when transferring the geometric model from the professional software environment Autodesk Inventor Professional to the KOMPAS-3D environment. Conclusions are made and recommendations are given on the possibility of applying the component approach to the translation of geometric models in professional software environments.

geometric model, data translation, component approach, metric, parameter graph, structural weight
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