Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This project is aimed at developing models, algorithms and a software package for measures to improve safety and reduce risk in the design of new and operation of existing nuclear power plants. The principal novelty of the project is the development of a methodological apparatus for assessing radiation risk at nuclear power plants during the most dangerous (beyond design basis) accidents involving the emission of thermal neutron sources with a low flux density. Nuclear reactors based on the use of fission energy of heavy nuclei are powerful sources of gamma radiation and neutrons. The project is aimed at computer modeling and the development of new methods, algorithms and a software package for solving the problems of assessing safety and risk at nuclear power plants in the most dangerous (beyond design basis) accidents with the emission of thermal neutron sources with a low flux density. To implement the project, it is necessary to develop a methodological approach to solving the problems of assessing the doses of external and internal radiation and assessing the damage to the population living around nuclear power plants during the most dangerous (beyond design basis) accidents with the emission of thermal neutron sources with a low flux density; make cal-culations for the population, given its age composition. Based on these decisions, measures will be proposed to reduce the risk and improve the safety of nuclear power plants.

probabilistic safety analysis, deterministic safety analysis, risk assessment, nuclear power plants, beyond design basis accidents, neutron flux density, emission of thermal neutron sources
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