Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
With the advent of new sources and technologies for obtaining data on the location and mutual location of objects and systems in general, as well as their integration into real – time control methods and algorithms, conditions have been created for more modern and high-quality use of computer technologies in the management of complex distributed systems (SRS). The components of such SRS are themselves complex distributed systems and have (or can potentially have), among other things, a negative impact on each other, that is, they represent or form a threat to each other. One of the most urgent tasks of our time is to develop various, usually highly computerized, tools and methods for parrying threats based on monitoring and forecasting the development of processes (including physical ones) that form the basis of these threats. This article discusses the problem of parrying one of the types of threats – flood. The issues of using various types of information coming from various sources – sensors for monitoring and forecasting the water level and associated flooding of the corresponding territories are considered. The system of using real-time automatically measured SRS parameters and their further application for digital decision support for parrying threats is a complex highly computerized technical system belonging to the class of the Internet of things. At the same time, it is one of the digital subsystems of the SRS that have a positive impact on other components of the SRS as a whole. All this information comes from various (technically and departmental) heterogeneous sources, so for its rapid and high-quality storage and use for monitoring, forecasting and parrying threats to the SRS, it needs specialized methods of analysis, structuring and distributed storage.

Multi-sensor systems, complex distributed systems, threat parry, forecasting development, spatial data, flood, flooded area
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