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Abstract (English):
The restaurant business is currently experiencing a noticeable rise. The recent trend towards an increase in the standard of living of the population increases the demand for the services of enterprises in the hospitality industry, far from the last role in which restaurant-type catering enterprises play. A modern restaurant serves not only as a catering enterprise, but also as an entertainment center, where people come not only to satisfy their hunger, but also to relax, to get positive emotions from the atmosphere of hospitality. The most important aspect in the restaurant business is the quality of the services provided to the consumer. The modern Russian market of restaurant services is saturated with catering establishments that meet the tastes of a wide variety of consumers, the dynamism of the external business environment is causing a tougher competition in today's difficult conditions. In this regard, the search and formation of reserves for increasing the efficiency and development of enterprises in the sphere of restaurant services becomes especially urgent. In the most advantageous position are those enterprises that strive to constantly improve their activities, using various innovative approaches that give the institution uniqueness, originality, the ability to meet changing consumer needs and requirements. The primary task of the restaurateur is to win the favor of the guests, the successful completion of which leads to profit. The efficiency of the restaurant's business depends on the availability of good management, modern cuisine, impeccable service, interior design and reasonable pricing policy. One of the problems facing the catering industry is finding ways to improve the efficiency of promoting restaurant services, the analysis of which is an integral part of marketing. Effective quality management of services contributes to raising the status of the enterprise.

business processes, catering establishments business processes, catering establishments
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