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Abstract (English):
Retail trade occupies an important part of the life of society because it is directly aimed at satisfying its needs as a consumer and is a source of material wealth for the seller. This sphere of activity is an independent branch of the national economy, which has emerged because of commodity exchange processes designed to meet the various needs of human society. Everyone of society, as a result of the implementation of exchange operations, has the opportunity to receive for the final individual use what he needs. The seller, in pursuit of his own benefit, relieves the manufacturer of the need to search for a buyer for his products. From this point of view, the role of retail trade in the reproduction cycle is extremely important, since, specializing in specific operations, this industry is not only an intermediary, but also a catalyst for mutually beneficial interaction of all participants in these relationships. Virtually everyone in both developed and developing countries is involved in retail operations on a daily basis.

business processes, retail trade
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