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Abstract (English):
The problem of formalizing and automating the process of recognizing human faces was touched upon at the earliest stages of the development of image recognition systems and remains relevant to this day. Moreover, over the past ten years, the number of scientific studies and publications on this topic has increased several times, which indicates an increase in the urgency of this problem. This can be explained by the fact that modern computing technology opens up new possibilities for its application in various fields, and, accordingly, a lot of applied problems have appeared that require their speedy resolution. One of the practical applications of the pattern recognition theory is face recognition, the task of which is to automatically localize a face in an image and identify a person by face. The interest in the procedures underlying the process of localization and face recognition is quite significant due to the variety of their practical applications in areas such as security systems, verification, forensic examination, teleconferences, computer games, etc. For example, the face recognition system developed at Beijing Tsinghua University has been certified by the Chinese Ministry of Public Security for use in public places. Omron Japan, which specializes in recognition, automation and control technologies, has developed a human face recognition system for mobile phones. Riya, founded by a group of specialists in facial recognition algorithms from Stanford University, has begun open testing of a Web service for contextual search of facial images in digital photo albums. The abundance of such examples indicates the practical importance and relevance of face recognition methods.

evolutionary matching, face recognition, neural networks
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