Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Application of "leak before break" concept to reactor coolant circuit is obligatory for RF NPPs and the success depends also on fulfilment of requirements to the leak detection systems specified in RF national standard. During 1999-2020 requirements to the leak detection systems were permanently improved in regulatory documents. The most important changes in requirements have been done according to the Federal law on ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Paper gives comparative analyses of these evolutionary changes of requirements as well as details of their implementation during design and manufacturing of leak detection systems to supply NPP Units with VVER-440/1000/1200 and RBMK-1000 reactor facilities. Recently approved in the Russian Federation, the Federal norms and rules (FNR) in the field of atomic energy use ensure the continuity of the general requirements for reactor coolant leak monitoring (detection) systems (LDS) at nuclear power plants (NPPs) in relation to the previously valid regulatory documents.

leak before break concept, leak detection system, certificates of approval of the type of measuring instrument, certified measuring procedure
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1. NP-001-15. General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Plants. https://files.stroyinf.ru/Index2/1/4293756/4293756900.htm.

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9. US NRC. NUREG-0800 SRP 3.6.3. LBB Evaluation Procedures, March 2007.

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13. JSC Rosenergoatom. RD EO

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17. JSC IPPE. Technical specification E.091.7326.01 TU.

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