Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
BISAC COM043000 Networking / General
The article discusses the theoretical and applied aspects of a new approach to the management of tourist and recreational systems based on a network-centric model. The model is based on the application of a network structure of information exchanges between tourist enterprises, consumers of tourist services and marketing organizations. In this network structure, clusters or aggregations of objects consisting of homogeneous small and medium-sized tourist enterprises are distinguished. The principle of self-synchronization in the network-centric construction of management in tourist and recreational systems is considered. The concept of "tourist and recreational attractor” is introduced. The strategy of "borrowing" in the application of mechanisms for the diffusion of innovations and advanced tourist and recreational technologies in the tourism industry of Russian regions is justified. A multi-network scheme of innovative development of the tourist and recreational sphere, including the educational segment, is proposed. The tourist and recreational system is considered at the municipal level. A multi-network scheme of innovative development of the tourist and recreational sphere, including the educational segment, is proposed. Approbation of the research results was carried out within the framework of tourist and recreational design of the Moscow and Tver regions municipalities. It is concluded that the network-centric concept, being innovative, has a high applied value and allows solving existing problems in their interrelation, providing competitive indicators (the volume of tourism, employment of supporting personnel, the size of investments). The results obtained in the study can be successfully replicated at the regional level of tourism and recreation management.
tourism and recreation system, management, network-centric model, network technologies, self-synchronization, attractor, "borrowing" strategy, educational segment
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