Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Career guidance testing assumes the presence of several types of individuals, and in the case when the output data of testing are images that characterize certain qualities of the subjects – several types (classes) of images. The image classes includes of selected searchable elements that determine whether an image belongs to a particular selected type (class). There is a ColourUnique M software module that allows you to automate the process of testing and saving test forms. The functions of the classifier are still performed by an expert (teacher or psychologist), which implies errors in evaluating the result due to individual characteristics of human perception, which can negatively affect the reliability of the classification. The paper considers two algorithms for evaluating images (the made test forms), one of which is a neural network, and the second is a filtering algorithm with hard – defined areas for determining the desired elements. During the implementing of these algorithms, a number of problems arose. The classifier is created in order to improve the accuracy of classification, both in comparison with expert assessment and with the first experimental data obtained. For achieve of the most reliable classification results, the authors consider the possibility of implementing a hybrid classifier for career guidance tasks.

neural network, algorithm, classification, element recognition, filter
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