Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the possibility of applying the theoretical concept of resilience to the optimization of activities to improve the resilience of organizations. For this purpose, various approaches to the concept of resilience and its practical implementation are analyzed. The generalizing point for these approaches is the understanding of resilience as the degree of readiness to respond adequately to unforeseen events and circumstances. Thus for organizations, resilience is cognate to risk management. In order to optimize costs, the analysis of the relation between these types of activities was carried out. Based on the definition of resilience as a component of risk management, a multi-level approach to optimizing the cost of improving the resilience of organizations is proposed. In this approach, the most effective measures to improve resilience are selected end-to-end, while increasing the scope of the task consistently: from the level of specific activities to the analysis of interactions between organizations. This reduces the impact of uncertainty on risk-based decisions by maximizing consideration of factors and boundary conditions.

organizational resilience, risk management, cost-benefit analysis
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