Moskva, Russian Federation
BISAC SCI040000 Physics / Mathematical & Computational
Nowadays, virtual tests of optical systems with holographic elements are being used more and more. Despite the fact that holographic optical elements have existed for decades and most programs for designing optical systems include ray tracing modules in optical systems containing holographic elements, the synthesis of realistic images formed by these systems is absent in most of these programs. The paper presents the results of a study of the possibility of implementing an effective and physically accurate stochastic ray tracing through hologram optical elements. The theoretical foundations of the light propagation through hologram optical elements are considered and a detailed ray tracing algorithm for its implementation in forward, backward and bidirectional stochastic ray tracing methods are presented. The results of modeling the propagation of rays and the synthesis of a realistic image formed by a two-hologram augmented reality system are presented. Also, we conducted a study of the influence of the observer's eye pupil position on the quality of the formed image.
ray tracing, hologram optical element, diffraction, rendering, diffraction efficiency
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