Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Specialized software that supports existing approaches to processing images of the crystal structure of materials for analyzing transmission electron microscopy images have a lot of different digital image processing methods, but major part of it are weakly automated. In some tasks automated algorithms of image processing have been developed, e.g. in task of estimation of the width of a layer of material from a raster image. The paper considers the problem of automated processing of diffraction images obtained by transmission electron microscopy. A number of modifications, such as Watershed algorithm, binarization and Fast Fourier Transform, are proposed for existing image processing algorithms. These modifications can help automate the processing of the diffraction pattern of a material sample from an image of transmission electron microscopy. The given examples of image processing of particular cases of diffraction patterns have shown the prospects for the development of algorithm based on combination of the proposed modifications of considered algorithms. Adaptive binarization with Watershed segmentation would be useful in automated distance estimation in transmission electron microscopy images.

computer vision, image processing, image analysis, transmission electron microscopy, crystalline diffraction pattern
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