Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The operational experience of nuclear facilities shows that personnel reliability has a significant impact on safety. We consider the reliability of the staff as the property (ability) of the staff to accurately and timely perform the necessary actions prescribed by the operating instructions, both during normal operation and in an accident. Personnel Reliability Analysis (PRA) is one of the significant tasks of probabilistic safety analysis. There are problem situations at NPP: the analysis methods and techniques used, the variety of solving tasks, the wide range and diverse nature of errors that a human operator can potentially make, the numerous factors affecting the probability of a particular error. All this makes it necessary to develop an automated personnel reliability analysis system that can support a specialist performing probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) in terms of performing the reliability analysis of the human operator, to ensure the required accuracy, quality and completeness of the results of the personnel reliability analysis.

personnel, the most dangerous accidents, personnel reliability, stress, normal operation, emergency
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